Othalanga Thuruthu full cast, actors, crew (Kokku Entertainment 1.13M subscribers)
Kokku Entertainment 1.13M subscribers -2022 Web Series Owned By Kollam Teams. The web series narrates the story of innocent locals in തുരുത്ത്. Othalanga Thuruthu full Cast and Actors Abin Bino , Jayesh Janardhan , Jagadeesh Kumar, Jaya Lalitha, Beenakumari Ks, Navanita Beena Raj Character wise Name Abin Bino - Nathu Jayesh Janardhan - Pappan Jagadeesh Kumar - Uthaman Jaya Lalitha - Santha Chechi Beenakumari Ks - Aleena's mother Navanita Beena Raj - Aleena